About Us

Calum Argent
Age: 18

Calum is an avid reader and writer; he is a 12b student at Park St. Collegiate Institute and was recently granted a scholarship at the University of Ottawa. His favourite activities include acting, fencing, gaming, and being generally charming and brilliant (he’s modest too!)


Hello, my name is Kirsten Gopie. I’m really not that different from any other 18 year old girl. I love puppies, movies and the colour green. I work too much and sleep too little. I’m technology-challenged. I love to laugh. Cookies n’ cream is the best flavour of ice-cream. Next year I should be in University for Psychology (fingers 
 crossed for Waterloo).

Karlene is a 17 year old aspiring writer who felt this was the most attractive picture she’d ever seen.

Courtney Fletcher
Courtney Fletcher is a young writer native to Orillia, Ontario. Before appearing in this magazine she was published in the 2005 the book “Stories from the Campfire”, a collection of short stories from public school children across Canada, for her short story “The Red Room”. A lover of history, fantasy, sci-fi and the macabre, it is no surprise that she enjoys the works of Ken Follett, George R. Martin, Sir Arthur Cohen Doyle, and Anne Rice. The prose by which she lives her life is the” Friendship Toast” by Michael David.
Here’s to you as good as you are/Here’s to me as bad as I am/But as good as you are/and as bad as I am/I’m just as good as you are/as bad as I am...Here’s to the man who is wisest and best/Here’s to the man who with judgement is blest./Here’s who’s as smart as he can be-/I mean the man who agrees with me!

My name is Maureen Coughlin. I’m 17 years old going on 18.  I have a huge love for writing and visual art. I’m good at both and I hope to make a career out of one or the other. In my spare time, I work on several different novels. They focus mainly on fantasy and sci-fi elements. I’m excited about all of them and hope that people will like reading them. I find great inspiration for my writings from nature and the concept of what lies beyond the galaxy that we humans live in. I like to think that there are other worlds out there and I want to write stories about the possibility of humans not being the only intelligent life out there. There has to be something else. I also love playing video games as well as reading novels and manga (graphic novels).My favourite forms of art include digital media and watercolour paintings. I also have two very loveable cats that are always there when I need them.  Of course, I also have an amusing fish that makes me laugh with his love for food above all else. Any moment I get, I like to hang out with my friends and family who offer the best support and love an aspiring writer could ask for.

Tori Bell
Tori Bell is a 17 year old student at Park Street Collegiate Institute.  Her
favourite subject is history, though her writing does interest her greatly. She is currently in grade 12 and very excited on starting her life and to leave high school.  After high school she plans to go to Lakehead University where she hopes to major in Interdisciplinary studies. She works at the Petro Canada gas station as well as the Country Style which allows her to save up for her university education.  Tori was one of the co-editors of this magazine and she hopes you appreciate the work everyone has put into it.

Samuel Chan

Name: Samuel Ming Dao Chan
Age: 17 years old
Date of birth: 22.October.1994
Place of birth: Japan
Job: Crew member of McDonalds’
Hobby: Taekwondo
Other Hobby: Watching movies
Dream Career: Detective

Samuel is currently a grade 12 student in Park Street who hopes to get a degree in Criminology to further advance his knowledge that he can apply in police school. As mentioned above, he is born in Japan but although the looks may enhance the idea of him being Japanese, he is actually half-Chinese and half-Canadian. At the age of 9, he went to Iceland because his father had got a new job there. As he developed through his teenage years, he took school rather lightly. That changed as he came to Canada on August 2010. At first, he had wanted to become a film director but as time passed and school became more important, his passion for directing shifted over to detective work.

Manpreet Hayer

Manpreet Hayer is a 17 year-old Orillia, Ontario resident that believes that every class should be art class and that writers craft is a great escape. Apple juice runs through her veins and her pen tablet is her second arm. She’d be lost without her friends and their witty humour to make her day just a little bit brighter. 

 Kirsten Meiszinger
 I am a grade 12 student at Park Street Collegiate Institute.  Some things I like to do in my spare time are reading old books, painting, drawing and watching movies. I enjoy creative writing, specifically stories and poems.  I like being visual with my writing, because I'm an artist.  I've applied and am hopefully going to Georgian College for my bachelor of fine arts.  I hope to continue writing in the future in some way.  I'm a quiet person, and enjoy being able to write and express myself.

Virginia W.
Lives in a box.  Enjoys reading, painting, spending too much time on the internet and Natalie Portman.  Proud  Hufflepuff.    Locust pods are evil.  Steve Buscemi is god. Virginia is really horrible at writing bios.  Hates moths.