Tuesday 24 January 2012

Editors Note

The (Assistant) Editor’s Letter
There was a time not long ago that I was Editor, but as a time-consuming obligation – it was short lived. Enter: co-editor Tori Bell, whose overachieving and punctual conducts soon found her playing the leading role in our magazines inception. As for me, the demotion has been bittersweet.
And so it is. We welcome you to discover Creative Expressions, our all-encompassing summative, navigating its way from our imaginings and into your hands. We are pleased to share our creative writing magazine – complete with reviews, short stories, articles and poems – with our fellow imaginative minds and peers.
Shout out’s go to all of our contributors (check out our bio’s on page __), in particular Editor Tori Bell, cover artist Manpreet Hayer and project initiator Mr. Johnston – without your support, patience and time, this magazine would not exist.
Finally, to our readers. We hope you enjoy Creative Expressions as much as we enjoyed writing, designing and producing it.
Assistant Editor,
Kirsten Gopie

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