Wednesday 18 January 2012


Look around you and be aware,
Of any beauty that may be near.
Flowers, paintings and sunset scenery,
Look at them particularly.

Are they beautiful to your eye?
Do they make you want to cry?
If not, why not?
If so, why so?

Could real beauty be perhaps something profound?
Something not visible and something not found?
What if real beauty is the emotion of attachment?
The feeling when you are one with the other?

What if real beauty is the eternal bond of friendship?
The string of unbreakable trust?
What if it is the love behind the kiss of a lip?
The feeling when you are one with the other?

Sceptics can argue the definition of beauty,
That it must be visible to the human’s eye.
But there are things I cannot see in this world,
That makes me want to cry.

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