Wednesday 18 January 2012

Homework Hurts

School work, school work
Oh how you seem to lurk
Behind every door way
Always ruining my day
Try to get it quickly done
Procrastination – much more fun
Deadlines getting closer                                                                            
Essay, seminar and poster
Days turn into weeks
I start to get the creeps
Worry sets in quick
The clock starts to tick
Friends ask me to play
I must turn them away
It’s starting to get late
Tomorrow’s the due date
Words start to fuzz together
My head feels like a feather
Exhaustion starts to set in
I don’t think I can win
I should have started before tonight
Woulda coulda shoulda right
It’s now approaching ten o’clock
I think I need a little walk
If I stop I will not finish
Kind of like eating spinach
Midnight comes, I’m still not done
My powerpoint video will not run
Panic mixes with frustration
I stick it out with determination
3 am I think it’s complete
I’m stuck in my computer seat
Crawl to bed and sleep a bit
Dream about failing it
Wake at 6 and feel like crying
Lack of sleep is worse than dying
Final touches and spell check
Man what a pain in the neck
All ready, I leave for school
Feeling like a major fool
Done earlier this wouldn’t be
A lot less panic and stress on me
Ready to hand in shaking with fear
Turns out my teacher isn’t even here
Supply announces deadline delayed
Last night wasted, I could have played.


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