Wednesday 18 January 2012

Something Something Something

Something something something – this is called writers block or white paper syndrome.  By filling up this paper with words I am hoping that I get some motivation but the more I type the more I realize that I have absolutely no ideas and this whole blank page will eventually be filled with jibber jabber in order to fill it.
I’m sitting here trying to be creative but all I can think about is that I have to hand in my History essay and exams are so soon.  I have to remember to do laundry and stop by work to check my schedule.  Sometime today I have to root through my locker to find my student pin to accept my university admission and if I don’t find it I’m worried that I won’t be able to go to university.  I think my cat needs me to fill up her food and water when I get home and I should probably print off some of my other work I’ve been doing in my other classes. 
I will probably have to make dinner tonight because my parents are working and my sister won’t make anything.  I think we have cans of chilli but homemade is so much better.  Maybe we have hot dogs and hamburgers, or steak, but I’m not good at working the BBQ and it’s so cold out there that I don’t want to make those now.  We had hamburger gravy last night so we could have chicken tonight – if we have any left.  There might be some left over potatoes, but probably not enough. 
Back to this what should I write about.  I could write about the things that teenagers have to deal with everyday, but that would be boring.  I could rant about time table changes and marks that I thought I could have done better on but that wouldn’t interest anyone.  I could talk about drug abuse, teen pregnancy, diet problems, and all that jazz but I don’t know much about any of that and I don’t like to think about those problems, not to mention everyone’s heard about them before. I could create a fantastic story about fairies and princes and werewolves but I’m not very creative and it would turn into a baby’s story, like everything else I write. 
This is suppose to apply to teenagers so I could write about how terrible working is, or how we should not have to have unemployment taken off of our pay checks, or how we shouldn’t have to do chores at home because we are so busy, but since everyone deals with that every day it will just remind them of their boring lives.  I could complain about how store owners only seem to follow around teenagers in case we are stealing, while some shady guy puts a bag of chips in his coat.  This of course I could send around to important people for some sympathy towards us teenagers, but it would be ignored or they would say we do need to be watched.
Now that I’m coming to the end, I’m finally beginning to realize that my best idea is no idea at all.  I have nothing to say that could possibly hold the interest of any teenager for longer than a couple seconds, especially if their cell phone starts vibrating on the table.  Maybe I should talk about that – cell phones.  But really, what kid wants to read about something that they have in their hand. Oh well, at least I can say I did this.  Everyone else around me is talking, texting (kind of like talking), watching Youtube videos, even someone is watching a full movie.  I think I’m the only one doing work in this entire library – typical. I can’t blame everyone else; if I didn’t have to I would be talking too.  Well now that this page seems to have come to an end, I suppose I can begin to distract anyone who might attempt to work anytime soon, after all I am a teenager and distractions are our forte.

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