Friday 20 January 2012

Creativity's Grasp

We strive for our whole lives to make a creation,
Something we formed that we can call our own.
It can be profound, inspiring, or something to decorate our home.
And through this act will be our salvation.
By creating we release our imagination.
The world is ours to rethink and explore.
Anyone can do this, be them rich or poor.
All you require is the drive and determination.

Creating can be in the form of a simple illustration,
Or the composer of the song,
It could be the beautiful dresses for a wedding or prom.
As we know for writers, a clever narration.

One place where creativity lacks is in our own education.
They think it is trivial, and a waste of time.
“Who would use this in the real world?” well their world is not mine.
And through their ignorance will be our damnation.

Sometimes people give up, and I find this a frustration.
Never give up on what you were meant to do.
If you aren't creating, then it’s yourself, who isn't being true.
The world is hard and cruel, and to forget your dreams can be a temptation.
Creating is not merely a formation.
Through creating our soul takes flight.
And we can make people see things in a different light.
It is our own personal innovation.
-Kirsten M.

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